
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pansies... the Forgotten Cut Flower

Now that spring seems to have come to an abrupt end, and an ominous summer is approaching, my choice of cut flowers are becoming limited. My camellias have pooped out and now that I look around all I have are my pansies. Pansies? I do no believe I have ever cut a bouquet of such. Here are the fruits of my labor.....
The colors are so BOLD and added a great splash of color to my kitchen. These delicate tissue paper thin flowers are so appropriate when placed in this tiny bud vase. LOVE IT!!! Yes, my obsession continues with tiny little vials, as this silver beauty is my newest acquisition from the Habitat Resale Store. It was a steal for .25 cents! Habitat must have been using a trainee for pricing that day, because otherwise it would have had a price tag of $15.00!

I mixed a few of the larger heads with the sweet johnny jump-ups for some dimension. I did not know that pansies even have a slight fragrent smell. Who knew? As for greenery that will last forever, I snipped a piece of mint that had vigorously returned from last yrs planting. Oh so easy, who cannot do this I ask?

I also use my beloved milk glass vase. I could not stop once I got started. Then I proceeded to plant my bud vases throughout the house so I can enjoy them in any room. (ie. the bathroom next to the sink, kitchen table, computer desk, kitchen sink, etc.)

Anyone can do this it is a must! And, if you do not currently have a flowering plant, cut some mixed greenery (add a little varigated for contrast) and shove it down in a vase.