Attention All Artists (and aspiring artists) here is the perfect opportunity for you to express your creative side! Yes, I promise anyone can do it! My very good friend Lisa Jordan (artist, crafter, creator, decorator, overall doer extraordinaire) has imaginatively devised a new trend in "home parties". She provides the place (her home in Greenville, NC), supplies, and directive talent for you and a group of friends to learn how to paint on canvas. Here are all the details:
- $30.00/ person (with approximately 16 people in a class)
- Hosted two to three times a week (book your spot now, I hear she has a waiting list a mile long for the upcoming classes!!!!)
- Starts on a week night at 5:30pm
- Each person brings snacks and/or drinks
- 5:30 - 6:00 everyone socializes
- 6:00 Class begins and last until about 8:45 or 9:00 (time flies when you are having fun!)
This is the classroom. Everyone has their own paint, brushes, aprons, and easels at their workstation.
If you are a beach lover, you will flip over these festive beauties!
Okay, I know what you are thinking....Are you crazy? I promise you anyone can do it! I think all the women there were a little intimidated at first, saying..."I do not know why I am here, I can't paint!" Well yes you can! Lisa is the best instructor. She will put you at ease and walk you through it step by step. It is a fool proof process!
In the beginning.... I attempted to photograph my artwork in stages, but as the class went on it really began to build momentum and suddenly you are completely engrossed in your painting. Oh, p.s. yes, she already has the image you are going to paint, drawn out for you on your canvas. I know, I think a bunch of people were sweating the drawing part of the class, but were relieved to know it was paint-by-numbers if you will. Whew!!!!
I about died laughing when we went to pay Lisa for the class and asked Tif if she needed some change to which she replied...."no, my husband left me the exact amount of money for camp today!"
TA DA!!! The group photo of art class. It was a pleasure to see everyone artwork when they were finished. The diversity was so awesome! No two were the same, which was a good thing! Plus, it was neat to see how everyone interpreted colors and textures differently.
Overall, a complete blast! I highly recommend you "hop" on over to Lisa's email: and get on the list A.S.A.P.!
Elizabeth: I had a fabulous time at art camp!!! I'm ready to do it again!!!!! I think we did a fantastic job!!!